Messages Replied widget
Herman Nefedov
Currently, we display just the number of messages sent by each user.
It would be useful to have the Messages Replied that would show the number of processed messages from a buyer (e.g. 1 received message from a buyer and then 2 user's sent messages in a row = 1 replied message
2 received messages from a buyer in a row and then 1 message from a user =1 replied message).
Herman Nefedov
Dear Customers, this has been implemented.
The widget is called "Responded Messages" and is located under Dashboard => Users => Responded Messages.
Herman Nefedov
Herman Nefedov
Merged in a post:
Report Showing Data By Channel & By Users
Afzal Sharif
Every Management Need One inforamtion from any software i.e.
1) How Many Messages received on each channel each day?
2) How Many are reply back and by whom
This information is very crutial to review efficiency of staff as well as showing effectiveness